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The Andy World Club (AWC), with its headquarters in Hong Kong and a branch in Taiwan, was established on 18th June 1988. Its vision is to unify fans of Andy Lau worldwide and to promote a harmonious community among his fans.


Andy has always regarded AWC members as family, regardless of where they are from or their age. To foster Andy’s hardworking spirit and show their support, members have been actively participating in community and charity services, both individually and collectively.


Through participation in the various AWC activities and gatherings, members have the opportunities to encounter close interaction with Andy. They can also interact with Andy and receive his latest updates on a regular basis via the AWC mobile app and the official website, ‘Andy’s Blog’ is the social platform where Andy interacts with his fans and updates them on his latest happenings.


Andy, who has never stopped interacting with AWC members since its establishment, has cultivated a close and solid relationship with his fans over the years.