False Information Regarding Andy Lau Concert 2017/2018
3rd August 2016

We, Topman Global Limited, hereby make the following statement regarding Mr. Andy Lau 2017/2018 Concerts:


(1) At present, we have not entered into any agreements with any company and/or person and/or entity regarding Mr. Andy Lau 2017/2018 Concerts;

(2) We will publish and update all information regarding the development of Mr. Andy Lau 2017/2018 Concerts in our official websites, namely: the Focus Group website (, the Andy World Club Limited website ( and the Qiushuitang Limited website ( in the future.


In connection with the false information appearing in the market through various platforms in relation to the pre-booking websites or tickets in the name of Mr. Andy Lau 2017/2018 Concerts, Mr. Andy Lau and his affiliated companies have nothing to do with the above and they are obviously a fraudulence act. We shall collect evidence against the irregularities and will pursue and preserve our rights to take legal action against the above mentioned.


This statement is to prevent the public from being misled and deceived. We shall not be responsible for any economic loss caused to any person as a result of the aforesaid matters.


We would urge your kind attention.


Topman Global Limited